The DetectX® human ST2 ELISA Kit is designed to quantitatively measure ST2 present in a variety of samples and tissue culture media. A recombinant human ST2 standard is provided to generate a standard curve for the assay. Standards or diluted samples are pipetted into a clear microtiter plate coated with a monoclonal antibody to capture ST2. After a 60 minute incubation, the plate is washed. A biotinylated ST2 antibody is added and the plate incubated for an additional 60 minutes. Following a second wash, peroxidase conjugated streptavidin is added and the plate is incubated for 30 minutes and washed. Substrate is then added to the plate, which reacts with the bound peroxidase conjugated streptavidin. After an incubation the intensity of the generated color is read at 450 nm.
ST2 (also known as growth STimulation expressed gene 2, IL1RL1, DER4, T1 and FIT1) is a member of the Toll-like/IL-1-receptor superfamily. Clinical and experimental observations led to the association of ST2 with diseases such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, collagen vascular diseases and septic shock. Serum levels of ST2 are elevated in patients with acute cases of bronchial asthma, and in emergencyroom patients presenting with shortness of breath. Serum levels of ST2 can discriminate between heart failure and noncardiovascular etiologies.
- Sample Range - Measure from 2,000 to 31.25 pg/mL
- Sample - Serum, Plasma, and Media
- Samples/Kit - 40 in Duplicate