
HemaVision 28N | HV01-28N

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HemaVision 28N | HV01-28N

Specific and sensitive detection

  • Screening test for leukemia associated translocations.
  • Screening for 28 translocations.
  • Detection of 145 breakpoints and splice variants.
  • ..-IVD marked test.

HemaVision®-28N is a nested multiplex RT-PCR based assay (Reverse Transcription of RNA followed by PCR and agarose gel electrophoreses) for detection of leukemia associated fusion gene transcripts in total RNA from
whole blood or bone marrow samples. HemaVision®-28N provides a screening for 28 translocations with more than 145 clinically relevant chromosomal breakpoints. Translocation breakpoints and alternative splice variants are detected.
The kit contains a screening and subtyping test ensuring high specificity and higher sensitivity than e.g. FISH.

How the test works?

The test is a nested PCR test with a multiplex master PCR. Positive samples in the master PCR will be re-test in a splitout reaction.
The starting material for the HemaVision tests is total RNA extracted from whole blood or bone marrow.
The test requires a thermal cycler and standard laboratory equipment. It can be completed in 12 hours after RNA extraction.

28 translocations

del1(p32) (STIL-TAL1)
t(1;11) (p32;q23) (KMT2A-EPS15)
t(1;11) (q21;q23) (KMT2A-MLLT11)
t(1;19) (q23;p13) (TCF3-PBX1)
t(3;5) (q25;q34) (NPM1-MLF1)
t(3;21) (q26;q22) (RUNX1-MDS1/EVI1)
t(4;11) (q21;q23) (KMT2A-AFF1)
t(5;12) (q33;p13) (ETV6-PDGFRB)
t(5;17) (q35;q21) (NPM1-RARA)
t(6;9) (p23;q34) (DEK-NUP214)
t(6;11) (q27;q23) (KMT2A-AFON)
t(8;21) (q22;q22) (RUNX1-RUNX1T1)
t(9;9) (q34;q34) (SET-NUP214)
t(9;11) (p22;q23) (KMT2A-MLLT3)
t(9;12) (q34;p13) (ETV6-ABL1)
t(9,22) (q34;q11) (BCR-ABL1)
t(10;11) (p12;q23) (KMT2A-MLLT10)
t(11;17) (q23;q21) (KMT2A-MLLT6)
t(11;17) (q23;q21) (ZBTB16-RARA)
t(11;19) (q23;p13.1) (KMT2A-ELL)
t(11;19) (q23;p13.3) (KMT2A-MLLT1)
t(12;21) (p13;q22) (ETV6-RUNX1)
t(12;22) p13;q11) (ETV6-MN1)
t(15;17) (q24;q21) (PML-RARA)
inv(16) (p13;q22) (CBFB-MYH11)
t(16;21) (p11;q22) (FUS-ERG)
t(17;19) (q22;p13) (TCF3-HLF)
t(X;11) (q13;q23) (KMT2A-FOXO4)

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25 tests
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