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Intended Use
Kligler Iron Agar is used for the differentiation of microorganisms on the basis of dextrose and lactose fermentation and hydrogen sulfide production in a laboratory setting. Kligler Iron Agar is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions in humans.
Product Summary and Explanation
Kligler Iron Agar is a modification of Kligler’s original formula, recommended to identify pure cultures of colonies picked from primary plating media.The original medium was a soft nutrient agar containing dextrose, Andrade indicator and lead acetate. Russell devised a medium containing glucose, lactose, and an indicator for the differentiation of lactose-fermenting and nonlactose-fermenting Gram-negative bacilli. Kligler found lead acetate could detect hydrogen sulfide when combined with Russell double sugar medium for the differentiation of typhoid, partyphoid, and dysentery groups.
Bailey and Lacy simplified the formula by using phenol red as the pH indicator instead of Andrade indicator. A similar medium containing sucrose, tryptone, ferrous sulfate, and thiosulfate was developed by Sulkins and Willet. Kligler Iron Agar is recommended for differentiation of enteric Gram-negative bacilli from food samples.
Principles of the Procedure
Kligler Iron Agar combines the principles of Russell double sugar medium and lead acetate agar into one medium. This combination permits differentiation of Gram-negative bacilli by their ability to ferment Dextrose or Lactose, and produce hydrogen sulfide. Enzymatic Digest of Casein and Enzymatic Digest of Animal Tissue provide nitrogen, carbon, and vitamins required for organism growth. Ferric Ammonium Citrate and Sodium Thiosulfate are indicators of hydrogen sulfide production. Phenol Red is the pH indicator. Sodium Chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Agar is the solidifying agent.
Formula / Liter
Enzymatic Digest of Casein.....................................................10 g
Enzymatic Digest of Animal Tissue .........................................10 g
Lactose ....................................................................................10 g
Dextrose ....................................................................................1 g
Ferric Ammonium Citrate .......................................................0.5 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................................5 g
Sodium Thiosulfate.................................................................0.5 g
Phenol Red.........................................................................0.025 g
Agar.........................................................................................15 g
Final pH: 7.4 ± 0.2 at 25°C
Formula may be adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance specifications.
1. For Laboratory Use Only.
2. IRRITANT. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system, and skin.
1. Suspend 52 g of the medium in one liter of purified water.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for one minute to completely dissolve the medium.
3. Distribute into test tubes and autoclave for 15 minutes at 121C.
4. After autoclaving, allow medium to solidify in a slanted position.
Quality Control Specifications
Dehydrated Appearance: Powder is homogeneous, free flowing, and light beige.

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