SuperImmunoHistoMount™ | 1219

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Immunohistomounting medium (IHM) is a permanent aqueous mounting medium designed for permanent mounting of tissue sections and cell smears with peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase chromogens that cannot be dehydrated with organic solvents. ’s SuperimmunoHistoMountTM mounting medium preserves Fast red, Aminoethylycarbazole (AEC), BCIP/NBT, BCIP/INT chromogens and is also compatible with counterstain like Hematoxylin and Nuclear fast red (NFR). It is also suitable for chromogens like DAB and DAB with nickel and cobalt. It is not compatible with H and E staining.

1219 | SuperImmunoHistoMount™ DataSheet

Sort Name: SuperImmunoHistoMount™

Label Name: N/A

Taglines: A permanent aqueous mounting medium for permanent mounting of tissue sections and cell smears

Product Highlights: •Ready-to-use mounting medium •Applications: Mounting of immunohisto slides that cannot be dehydrated with organic solvents

Packaging: EA

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Additional Information

Storage Temperature:
Gel Pack
Shelf Life:
12 months
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