HemaVision® -7 Positive Controls | HV05-7PC HemaVisionÒ-7PC is a CE-marked in vitro diagnostic kit containing 10 tubes with in vitro transcribedRNA diluted into wild type leucocyte RNA from the cell...
HemaVision -28Q | HV01-28Q Kit for the screening and detection of 7 chromosome translocations with more than 40 clinically relevant chromosomal breakpoints in just 4 hours. These 7 translocations are...
HemaVision 28N | HV01-28N Specific and sensitive detection Screening test for leukemia associated translocations. Screening for 28 translocations. Detection of 145 breakpoints and splice variants. ....
HemaVision -Screen | HV01-Screen HemaVisionÒ-Screen is a CE-marked in vitro diagnostic test for 28 leukemia causing chromosomaltranslocations including more than 145 breakpoints plus associated mRNA...
HemaVision -28Q | HV01-28Q Kit for the screening and detection of 28 chromosome translocations with more than 145 clinically relevant chromosomal breakpoints in just 4 hours. Supplied in three types...
HemaVision®-inv16 | HV03-inv16 HemaVision-inv16 is a CE-marked in vitro diagnostic test for qualitative detection of the humanleukemia causing chromosomal translocation inv(16)(p13;q22)(CBFB-MYH11)...
HemaVision® -1;19 | HV03-119 HemaVisionÒ-1;19 is a CE-marked in vitro diagnostic test for qualitative detection of the humanleukemia causing chromosomal translocation t(1;19) (q23;p13) (TCF3-PBX1)...
HemaVision® -4;11 | HV03-411 HemaVisionÒ-4;11 is a CE-marked in vitro diagnostic test for qualitative detection of the humanleukemia causing chromosomal translocation t(4;11)(q21;q23)(KMT2A-AFF1)...
HemaVision® -5;12N | HV02-512N HemaVisionÒ-5;12N is a CE-marked in vitro diagnostic test for qualitative testing of chromosometranslocations using total RNA extracted from human blood or bone marrow...