IL28B rs17/rs60 RT-PCR (CE) | R05-100FRT

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IL28B rs17/rs60 RT-PCR | R05-100FRT is available for delivery


General information: Real Time PCR Kit fordetection of rs8099917 and rs12979860 polymorphisms of Interleukin 28B gene

Target Disease Type: HCV Associated Kits

Specific Application: HCV Associated Kits

Storage and Shipping : 6 weeks

IL28B rs17/rs60 RT-PCR (CE) R05-100FRT DataSheet


Interleukin-28 (IL28) is a cytokine that plays a role in immune defense against viruses. IL28B belongs to the type III interferon family of cytokines. Its classification as interferon is due to its ability to induce an antiviral state. Polymorphisms in the IL28B gene region are important in predicting outcome following therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.

Combined therapy INF pegylated (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) is the current standard therapy against HCV infection and to know in detail the polymorphism in IL28B gene region of patients infected with HCV can be an important component of the decision to initiate treatment with PEG-IFN and RBV.

In particular, the rs12979860 polymorphism in the promoter of the IL28B human gene, is strongly associated to the SVR (Sustained Viral Response). It has been shown that patients who have the C/C genotype (genotype associated with favorable response to standard therapy) have a higher SVR rate compared to patients with genotype C/T and T/T (genotypes associated with less favorable response).

The rs8099917 polymorphism in the promoter of the IL28B human gene is associated with the success or failure of treatment in patients with viral genotype HCV1. It has been shown that patients who have the genotype T/T (favorable genotype) are associated with a greater likelihood of successful treatment than patients with genotype G/T and G/G. The rs8099917 polymorphism is also a valid predictor of successful treatment for HCV / HIV positive.

In summary the CC genotype at rs12979860 (regardless of the genotype of rs8099917) is the most significant predictor of SVR. With genotype other than CC at rs12979860 likelihood of achieving SVR, depending on the combination of variants analyzed of the polymorphisms rs12979860/rs8099917 decreases in the following order:


Kit IL28B rs17/rs60 Real-TM is a test for the qualitative detection of rs8099917 and rs12979860 polymorphisms of Interleukin 28B gene region in genomic DNA.


Kit IL28B rs17/rs60 Real-TM is based on two major processes: isolation of DNA from specimens and Real Time amplification. The test is performed by the detection of the genetic variants within the IL28B gene using competitive allele-specific amplification in Real Time PCR. Kit contains one primer PCR mix tube for the detection of rs8099917 polymorphism and one primer PCR mix tube for the detection of rs12979860 polymorphism. Internal Control (IC) serves as an amplification control for each individually processed specimen and to identify possible inhibition reactions. IC is detected in a channel other than the polymorphisms.

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Storage & Shipping:
6 weeks
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