Mouse Anti-Enterovirus 70 Antibody (3651)

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Mouse anti Enterovirus 70 antibody is specific for EV70 and has been developed for use in ELISA and immunofluorescence.



  • Mouse anti Enterovirus 70. Reactive with Enterovirus type 70. Non-reactive with numerous other Enteroviruses.
  • Purified preparations consist of >90% pure mouse monoclonal antibody purified from ascites fluid or culture medium by protein A chromatography or sequential differential precipitations.
  • Presented in PBS pH7.2 with 0.1% sodium azide.
  • For use in ELISA and immunofluorescence.
  • Can be used with Goat anti mouse IgG HRP and PanBlock ELISA Blocking Buffer.



Enteroviruses (EV) are single-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the Picornaviridae family and are the smallest, non-enveloped viruses known to infect both humans and animals. They are common seasonal viruses that are associated with a variety of diseases. They are approximately 25-30 nm in diameter, and icosahedral in shape. The viruses are non-enveloped, and the virions are relatively simple, consisting of a protein capsid surrounding a single-stranded, positive sense RNA genome. The genome has approximately 7500 nucleotides, and contains a single open reading frame that encodes a polyprotein which is then processed to yield the structural (i.e., capsid) proteins VP1, VP2, VP3, and VP4 and the non-structural proteins.

These viruses are spread primarily through the fecal–oral route, but some species can be spread through respiratory secretions. EV70 has been associated with outbreaks of conjunctivitis. It spreads easily from one person’s eyes to another’s through contact with infected objects, like fingers, or through the eye secretion itself and infrequently causes polio-like permanent paralysis. The average incubation period for enteroviral contagious is from 3 – 10 to 30 days. The virus, after replicating and breaking the gastrointestinal tract barrier, is transmitted via the blood stream to every organ of the body. EV shows tropism towards organs like the heart, skin, and in particular the central nervous system. It has been shown that infected people excrete large quantities of the virus in faeces for a period of even 16 weeks. Most human EV infections are either asymptomatic or result in mild disease. Periodically, EV are associated with outbreaks of more serious disease, resulting in considerable morbidity and occasionally in significant mortality.

As yet, no effective EV-specific antiviral treatments are available, and vaccines are available only against polioviruses. Ongoing experience with EV71 outbreaks in the Asia-Pacific region has demonstrated that co-infections with other EV and indeed viruses belonging to other families, is common and raises the possibility that some co-infections can increase the severity of disease and change the clinical presentation.

There is a lack of availability of highly reactive and specific pan-EV monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for diagnosis of EV infection due to the difficulties in developing specific mAbs against the extensive antigenic diversity among EVs. However, mAbs with the strain sensitivity and type specificity have been used to develop tests to type EV70 (Anderson et al., 1984).



  • Enterovirus surveillance guidelines. Guidelines for enterovirus surveillance in support of the Polio Eradication Initiative. World Health Organization 2015.
  • Factsheet about enteroviruses. (2010). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
  • Anderson et al. (1984). Detection of enterovirus 70 with monoclonal antibodies. J Clin Microbiol. 1984 Sep; 20(3): 405–408.
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