Test kit for Potential Antioxidant(PAO) Antioxidant assay: Oxidative stress plays on important role in various diseases and aging. The control of oxidative stress is expected to be useful to prevent...
Anti Thymidine Glycol (TG) monoclonal antibody Specific to DNA oxidation Thymidineglycol (TG) is one of the major oxidation products of DNA. Thymidine (T) can be damaged by oxidative stress such as...
Calcium assay kit (Chlorophosphonazo III) Product DescriptionCalcium is the most abundant mineral which accounts for 1.5-2.9% of body weight, and is an important element in the formation of bone and...
Iron assay kit (Nitroso-PSAP) Description Iron is a mineral (functioning as an enzyme cofactor) that plays an essential role in many biological processes. It is essential to nearly all known...
UIBC assay kit (Bathophenanthroline) Product description Iron is an essential element in mammalian. Iron is contained in various enzymes and is involved in oxidation reaction. Iron is essential to a...