Yersinia enterocolitica/Y.pseudotuberculosis RT-PCR (CE) | B64-50FRT

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Yersinia enterocolitica/Y.pseudotuberculosis RT-PCR | B64-50FRT is available for delivery


General information: Real Time PCR test for detection of Yersinia enterocolitica/Y.pseudotuberculosis

Target Disease Type: Intestinal Infections

Specific Application: Yersinia

Storage and Shipping : on request

Yersinia enterocolitica/Y.pseudotuberculosis RT-PCR (CE) B64-50FRT DataSheet


Yersinia genus presently consists of 11 species, three of which can cause disease in humans and animals: Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. pestis. Yersinia enterocolitica is an enteric pathogen causing a variety of gastrointestinal and systemic syndromes, including enterocolitis, terminal ileitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis and septicemia.

Human yersiniosis is attributed to contaminated pork, milk, water, and tofu consumption, as well as blood transfusion. Infected individuals may shed Y enterocolitica in stools for 90 days after the symptom resolution, suggesting that early detection of Y enterocolitica from diarrheal stool samples is critical in preventing its transmission and an eventual out break.

Yersinia enterocolitica is differenziated in avirulent and virulent strains (virulence is assessed by genes encoding enterotoxin (Yst), attachment invasion locus (ail), and plasmid pYV adhesion (yadA), which could potentially promote adherence to and invasion of antigen-sampling intestinal epithelial cells known as M cells.


Kit Yersinia enterocolitica/Y.pseudotuberculosis Real-TM is a Real-Time test for the qualitative detection and differentiation of avirulent and virulent Yersinia enterocolitica strains (virulence is assessed by genes encoding enterotoxin (Yst), attachment invasion locus (ail), and plasmid pYV adhesion (yadA)) and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains in environmental samples and clinical material.


Yersinia enterocolitica/Y.pseudotuberculosis Real-TM test is based on two major processes: isolation of DNA from specimens, and Real Time amplification. Yersinia enterocolitica and Y.pseudotuberculosis detection by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) isbased on the amplification of pathogen genome specific region using specific primers and detection via fluorescent dyes. These dyes are linked with probes of oligonucleotides which bind specifically to the amplified product.

The real-time PCR monitoring of fluorescence intensities allows the accumulating product detection without reopening of reaction tubes after the PCR run. Yersinia enterocolitica/Y.pseudotuberculosis Real-TM PCR kit is a qualitative test which contain the Internal Control (IC). It must be used in the isolation procedure in order to control the process of each individual sample extraction and serves also to identify possible reaction inhibition.

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